We are not all called to travel far from home to serve others. You can live out the missionary dimension of your Christian vocation right now in your current state of life!
In Go! 30 Meditations on How Best to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself, Father John Bartunek insightfully combines Bible passages and Church teaching with practical and actionable advice that you can apply to your daily life. Throughout the book, he clarifies commonly misunderstood terms like mission, apostolate, evangelization, and new evangelization. As Christians, we are called to encounter Christ, to be His disciples, and to bring Him into the world.
Go! explores this missionary dimension as the third book in Fr. Bartunek's Complete Christian Series, which includes The Better Part and Seeking First the Kingdom. As with all of his books, Go! can be used for individual spiritual reading, personal meditation, or in a small group.
Author: Fr John Bartunek, LC, S. Th.D
ISBN: 0996581235 EAN: 9780996581233
Binding: Paperback
Pub Date: March 01, 2016